Interaction Design Foundation


Interaction Design Foundation

MastEr CLaSs

On October 17, 2024, I taught a Master Class for the Interaction Design Foundation (ixDF). My class, How to Master the Invisible Work: Practical Tips and Insights to Build a Design Culture and Advance Your Career, was attended by hundreds of people across the world. All participants received a certification after completing the course.

It was an absolute honor to teach with the Interaction Design Foundation. I was humbled by the invitiation to teach a course on something I am incredibly passionate about. The excitement from the attendees was truly inspiring.

With 180,259 graduates, the Interaction Design Foundation is the biggest online design school globally. We were founded in 2002. Every member is awarded a Course Certificate (with its own unique permanent URL) once they complete a course with us.

  • Public Speaking
  • Teaching
Interaction Design Foundation
Interaction Design Foundation
Interaction Design Foundation
Interaction Design Foundation
Interaction Design Foundation
Interaction Design Foundation
Interaction Design Foundation
Interaction Design Foundation